Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gifts, Lessons and Thoughts of the Past week

The past few days went by in a blur of calls, cold meds, flood of office emails, and the occasional skirmish or two. Had a lot of thoughts and insights during this week, too.

Started the week with a little miscommunication that hopefully, will not blow out of proportion nor extend into the next coming days. Will continue to step up though, as long as I have the best intentions in mind, and no aim to hurt nor belittle other people. Lesson learned.

Realized as well one fact of life: sometimes the hardest thing to do is the best thing to do. We can’t run on emotions alone. Even the Bible says the heart is untrustworthy. The brain and the heart have to work together; one is not superior over the other, but there are times when one has to yield to the other. This time, it pays to be smart. Well maybe not “smart,” but I guess “wiser” is more apt.

Felt kinda floating and far-off, as well. Like I belong everywhere and nowhere. I wanted a sole person to be able to tell everything without judgment, malice or wrong motives. Just plain, best-friendship. I was alternately feeling crappy and buoyant all throughout the week (must be the meds or might be bipolar?!), and while I have a lot of close friends to go to, I realized I also have a lot of friends I am hesitant on approaching.

Lastly, I came across the phrase, “the gift of discernment” and for some reason it stuck to me. Got me thinking if I have it. If not, then I pray to God he heaps me with lots of it hahaha! Wikipedia defines discernment as such:

Discernment is the activity of determining the value and quality of a certain subject or event, particularly the activity of going past the mere perception of something and making detailed judgments about that thing. As a virtue, a discerning individual is considered to possess wisdom, and be of good judgement; especially so with regard to subject matter often overlooked by others.

I fervently hope – with God’s grace – that in everything I do, I may be able to go beyond the face value of something, to be wise enough to see what others don’t see right away, to peel off the layers and make good judgments based on the truth.

*photo from No copyright infringement intended.

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