Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Year Musings

Written December 31, 2011.

Next to birthdays, New Year is the most popular season that forces people to look back to the year that was and evaluate what they have or haven’t done in their life. No matter how often we declare we don’t make yearly resolutions, fact is most of us still have this little mental list of what we wanted to achieve during the previous year. Of course, a lot of us do realize we have also a lot of blessings to be thankful for. But still, come the 31st of December, we realize with a jolt how fast time flew and wished we had more time (and courage) to do all those stuff we promised ourselves we would – lose weight, travel more, see friends, get promoted, fall in love or move on.

A lot of us wishes for a clean slate for the new year, as if resetting our lives to zero would make all the bad stuff, heartaches or mistakes of the past year disappear, or at less painful.

I wouldn’t. I say bring in 2012 with all my excess baggage and constant reminders of my 2011 booboos in tow, that way with my trunk full of last year’s crap, I won’t have much space to collect any more this year.

Shit happens, and it’s how we get back up and move on from these that matters. God doesn’t give us anything He knows we can’t handle, even if the reason or lesson won’t occur to us right away.

So instead of wallowing in self-pity over things that had gone awry in my life, or berating myself for not doing this or that, I’ll just focus on the stuff – even the tiniest ones – that made 2011 a great year for me.

I am thankful to be part of a team at work who values me as more than just a colleague, who respects and looks up to me, and that each and every one of them – my boss included – is a unique character that enables me to wake up at the crack of dawn and endure the long commute to work every day. You guys – and the rest of the process - renewed my faith in myself in this job. I owe my PC movement to you.

I am grateful that even though our family was beset by serious health issues –my sister-in-law had a very delicate pregnancy, my sister had her own condition – all these made us stronger and closer and also to realize even more how important family is. Ate Joy is doing well, and we got a gorgeous new addition to the family, Braeden Timothy.

I am thankful that I have come to respect myself more. I valued living in the “now” instead of being stuck in the past, and have more willpower now and not settle for the first guy who fell into my lap just because I was afraid to be alone. 2011 was my me-year, and I don’t have a problem with 2012 being just like the last, only better.

I’m glad for a little bit more time spent with my different groups of friends. Although our get-togethers may be far and few between, we made the most out of each meetings. To my evil twin Chrys, and my beterana trinity-mates, Jaki ad Wanay, you bring out the kire in me! To my HS boylets, Comartsoc, AF friendsheeps, Homeboyz - more more fun next year ha?

I loved how I met and found new friends, who I never realized I could get along with. While some of their views and characteristics are opposite to mine, their infectious optimism was a breath of fresh air. I'm glad they gave me a chance to be more open-minded about other people, and more welcoming of change.

I feel blessed to have a daughter who achieved so much in the past year, who grew up a lot that it makes me so proud yet scares the hell out of me at the same time. She was my constant date, my motivation, my little “kunsyensya” who kept me in check. At times she reminds me of how old I am (haha!) but often she keeps me young with her child-like wonder and vivacious outlook towards life. Ging, baby, don't grow up so fast, ha?

This year left me with a couple of  bangin’ surprises in its last few days and that just raised the bar for 2012.

Screw those tarot card predictions. 2012 will be my kick-ass year!

1 comment:

  1. "I say bring in 2012 with all my excess baggage and constant reminders of my 2011 booboos in tow, that way with my trunk full of last year’s crap, I won’t have much space to collect any more this year." --- I like this!
