Friday, September 17, 2010

The Dreaded Morning After

I'm sure I haven't met someone who hasn't had one of these. Whether it's the pounding hangover from last night's tequila shots, waking up next to a naked, complete stranger or recalling snippets of a spontaneous pole dance number, everything suddenly hits you the moment you open your eyes or the first streak of sun stains the black sky.

Maybe it's the blanketing anonymity nighttime grants you that you feel safe doing things you never thought you could. Or it's the false bravado alcohol gives you that you feel more confident, more outspoken than you normally would. Perhaps it's the careless, immature thinking that it's just for one night only.

Once you've mulled over last night's events, you're usually awash with regret and shame. There's that OMG moment when you slap your forehead, groan and fall back on your bed, wishing you could hide under the covers forever. Because while you are willing to move on, asap, and erase the previous night's events from your memory, you suddenly recall all the people -friends and strangers alike - who have witnessed you regress into a bumbling, idiotic slut, and that they will probably remember this for a very long time.

Take comfort in the thought that this, too, shall pass. Everyone's entitled to commit mistakes, however big and dumb and embarrassing they are. No matter how grown up you think you are, there's still a little child in you who will always yearn to come out and play, not always in places or in the manner you want it to be in.

We always want what we can't have, do things we regret and say stuff we can't take back. Life is indeed funny, and what's even funnier is that half of the time, all that drama are self-made, self-imposed, immature lapses in judgment.

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